offrs.com reviews, insights, statistics, best parctices and more for agents in the field.

Industry Insights

Getting Your Business 'Down To Speed'

Getting Your Business 'Down To Speed'

That's right... so much has been written on the topic of ramping up your business. But what if your ideal business momentum was achieved about a mile back? How do you get back to something that worked exceptionally well? Let's review...

Pivot (Making The Right Move At The Wrong Time)

Pivot (Making The Right Move At The Wrong Time)

In business, you don't often get the perfect opportunity to make the right move, but that doesn't mean you can't make that move eventually. Let's explore the options you've got for a smooth pivot to the right track.

Lock It Down: Owning Territory In the SMB Data Revolution

Lock It Down: Owning Territory In the SMB Data Revolution

It's a war out there and the first shots have already been fired... but because data is quiet, you haven't seen your competition landing hits on your brand well in advance of 2019...

offrs: It's Time To Meet Your Market

offrs: It's Time To Meet Your Market

Quick, say aloud everything you know about your market... hard to do. Don't worry, it's a bit of a setup, but the short answer (if you were searching for one) was offrs. Because offrs has the intel on your market. Let's explore...

The Real Estate Lead Generation Giants (offrs & You)

The Real Estate Lead Generation Giants (offrs & You)

The most amazing happened while you were asleep last night... your real estate lead generation service (offrs) identified multiple homeowners that are likely to sell in the next 6-12 months. Yeah... it's Tuesday and offrs is just doing its thing.

offrs Real Estate Predictive Analytics - Big Data It's In Your Hands

offrs Real Estate Predictive Analytics - Big Data It's In Your Hands

offrs Real estate predictive analytics doesn't just provide you with small business intelligence, it places you ahead of client issues. With offrs, you can provide your services when and where you're needed.

offrs Lead Generation: Real Estate Becomes Personal Once Again

offrs Lead Generation: Real Estate Becomes Personal Once Again

With offrs lead generation, real estate agents can once again focus on relationship-building within their community. How has offrs helped our agents across the board? Let's explore...

offrs Real Estate Agent Leads Save You Money & Time

offrs Real Estate Agent Leads Save You Money & Time

offrs real estate agent leads grow your business and help you balance your work/life ratio. How can offrs leads help your real estate business and household? Find out here...

offrs: Finding The Best Real Estate Lead Generator

offrs: Finding The Best Real Estate Lead Generator

Identifying the best real estate lead generator can be tough. So, offrs breaks down what to look for and how offrs generates award-level real estate leads!

Referral Real Estate Leads (offrs Tips & Scripts)

Referral Real Estate Leads (offrs Tips & Scripts)

When it comes to referral real estate leads, it's not always saying the right thing... but saying something fresh and new that's difficult. offrs has your back... here are staged referral request scripts for you and your team!

Real Estate Lead Generation Websites: Your offrs Clone

Real Estate Lead Generation Websites: Your offrs Clone

They're not your 2000's era tech. offrs SmartSites, real estate lead generation websites, work day and night generating offrs leads for your business.

The Enterprise Real Estate Lead Generation Companies Need

The Enterprise Real Estate Lead Generation Companies Need

When it comes to real estate lead generation, companies cannot afford supply line failures. offrs provides SMB and enterprise offrs lead gen solutions for all.

offrs Lead Generation For Real Estate (Active v Passive)

offrs Lead Generation For Real Estate (Active v Passive)

Looking for active or passive lead generation for real estate? Why not both? With offrs, you get the best of both worlds. offrs lead gen solutions work the known and unknown.

Real Estate Seller Leads - Prioritizing Your Tools

Real Estate Seller Leads -  Prioritizing Your Tools

Looking for real estate seller leads? Most of the top agents are... offrs has you covered. Come along as we discuss offrs lead generation and marketing strategies for 2018 and beyond!

offrs Real Estate Lead Generation Websites - Don't Forget The Net

offrs Real Estate Lead Generation Websites - Don't Forget The Net

In real estate lead generation websites are the passive net in the water. offrs active lead generation is king, but offrs Smart Sites feed the beast.

Real Estate Predictive Analytics: offrs Agents Take The Lead

Real Estate Predictive Analytics: offrs Agents Take The Lead

Real estate predictive analytics is a new field, but already, offrs is taking the lead ahead of other real estate lead generation services. offrs reviews the real winner... the agent.

Lead Generation: For Real Estate Agents, It's In The Numbers

Lead Generation: For Real Estate Agents, It's In The Numbers

When it comes to lead generation for real estate agents, offrs knows it's all about the numbers. The offrs seller lead solution works day and night for your business.

Real Estate Lead Generation Companies Adapt To 2018

Real Estate Lead Generation Companies Adapt To 2018

Real estate lead generation companies are fighting hard to adapt to the changing pace of digital lead gen (offrs built it 5 years ago). What does offrs do?

Real Estate Leads Are Made, Not Found... And offrs Delivers

Real Estate Leads Are Made, Not Found... And offrs Delivers

Real estate leads don't just magically appear in your farm, they're cultivated and offrs helps make that possible. offrs lead generation and conversion strategies work for you (day and night). Let's explore...

The Value Of offrs Lead Generation For Real Estate Agents

The Value Of offrs Lead Generation For Real Estate Agents

The value of lead generation for real estate agents varies from agent to agent, but offrs agents speak up on what it means to them and their business.

Real Estate Seller Leads: The offrs Secret To SMB Growth

Real Estate Seller Leads: The offrs Secret To SMB Growth

In real estate, seller leads are rarer than they've been in decades and offrs marks this as the secret to SMB growth: offrs predictive highlighting.

offrs Seller Lead Gen Algorithm: 5 Years Strong

offrs Seller Lead Gen Algorithm: 5 Years Strong

The offrs seller lead gen algorithm has been working to identify real estate seller leads over 5 yrs and the math shows offrs made a dent in the list.

offrs Real Estate Lead Generation Services: You Lead-Ready?

offrs Real Estate Lead Generation Services: You Lead-Ready?

offrs lead generation services has impacted real estate for the last several years. Now offrs explores HOW agents themselves have used lead gen tech.

offrs Reviews: Exceeding Your Listing Price (Line Them Up, Keep Them Close)

offrs Reviews: Exceeding Your Listing Price (Line Them Up, Keep Them Close)

Believe it or not, your ideal closing price may not be one that's achieved more quickly (or even at a higher price). Wait, what? Let's review the myriad of negotiation options at your disposal and help you gain more from your listing than you may have thought possible...

offrs.com Reviews: Are you ready to own your home... or should you rent another year?

offrs.com Reviews: Are you ready to own your home... or should you rent another year?

It's okay, we know you're excited at the prospect of homeownership, but if this is your first go around, you're going to have to start thinking strategically and more long-term. Here are just a few considerations to keep in mind before you make the leap...

Social Media: How to Finally Get on Board This Social Marketing Train

Social Media: How to Finally Get on Board This Social Marketing Train

Social media gets a lot of attention (and deservingly so), but without a significant amount of hours under your belt in this arena, it may be difficult to understand why this is important to your business and, in general, what all the fuss is about. Well, let's explore together...

offrs Reviews: 3 Important Truths in Pricing Your Home

offrs Reviews: 3 Important Truths in Pricing Your Home

Homeowners... are you curious about what you could get from your home? Here are three important truths in pricing your home in the market that will help you get the most from your home...

offrs Reviews: Why HOAs Are Actually Pretty Awesome & HOA Tips For Home Buyers

offrs Reviews: Why HOAs Are Actually Pretty Awesome & HOA Tips For Home Buyers

Found the perfect home but concerned about that HOA? Don't worry... there's usually more benefit to an HOA than cost, but certainly do your homework and make sure you're not buying into unnecessary drama and bureaucracy. Here are some tips to consider...

offrs Reviews: Tips For Getting Helpful Home Browsing Feedback From Your Family

offrs Reviews: Tips For Getting Helpful Home Browsing Feedback From Your Family

While every home has its admirers and detractors, there are some things we can all agree on and one of those things might be... shopping for a home can be involved. So, if we can help you do anything... maybe it'll be to make the home shopping experience a positive and memorable one. Let's review a few tips...

Real Estate Marketing Ideas: Selling Homes In Gated Communities - offrs reviews

Real Estate Marketing Ideas: Selling Homes In Gated Communities - offrs reviews

Real estate marketing ideas can sometimes be hard to find for gated communities. If you haven't yet had experience of listing a property within a gated community, then here are some real estate marketing ideas that might help you along the way. Let's review...

offrs.com Reviews: Hiring Your First Seller Agent While Closing On A New Home

offrs.com Reviews: Hiring Your First Seller Agent While Closing On A New Home

Found that perfect home? Congratulations! But if you currently own, then you're going to want to time the close on your new home with the sale of your current one. Let's explore how you can do this as smoothly as possible...

offrs Reviews Disclosures: What Do You Need to Share When You Sell Your Home?

offrs Reviews Disclosures: What Do You Need to Share When You Sell Your Home?

When listing a home, you don't have to share all your fears and worries, but there are some things you do have to share. Where's that line? Well, it depends. Let's review...

Listing an unsellable home:

Listing an unsellable home:

From floods to fires, we can help you move properties...

offrs reviews: Is Your Car Supporting Your Business?

offrs reviews: Is Your Car Supporting Your Business?

First off, this isn't going to be an article on upgrading your vehicle (necessarily), this is about syncing the car you drive with the brand message of the business paying for it. Let's review...

offrs reviews what everyone needs to know about home loans programs

offrs reviews what everyone needs to know about home loans programs

When you have all your ducks in a row and it comes time to buy your dream home, you're going to want to take advantage of as many programs as you can to make the process easier (if not just financially so). Here's a great start. Let's review...

offrs reviews a few 2018 Real Estate housing market predictions

offrs reviews a few 2018 Real Estate housing market predictions

Thinking of purchasing a home this year? Here are some helpful insights from across the industry that might help light the way. In short, it's still too early to tell, but there's enough insight from 2017 to make some predictions. Let's take a look...

offrs Review: Why You Need a Real Estate Transaction Coordinator

offrs Review: Why You Need a Real Estate Transaction Coordinator

What's a Transaction Coordinator? Have your Transaction Coordinator field the answer... you've got sales to close today! Looking for ways to free up your time? Maybe you need a Transaction Coordinator. Let's review!

offrs Reviews: Bedside Manners in Real Estate

offrs Reviews: Bedside Manners in Real Estate

You may be the top closer in your region, perhaps even the world... but if you're losing the hearts and minds of your clients, you may be losing out on serious referral opportunities. Here are some tips to improving your bedside manners and upping your game. Let's review...

offrs Review: The One-Week Booster Shot for Home Sellers

offrs Review: The One-Week Booster Shot for Home Sellers

Okay, so your home's listing has been up for longer than you had hoped. Your household is tapped and your agent is saying something to you, but you can't quite make out the words. You've been knocked to the ground. It's okay, this too is part of the process. But it's time to get back in the ring... here's a One-Week booster shot to help get you on your feet again...

offrs reviews 5 tips to a successful home purchase negotiation

offrs reviews 5 tips to a successful home purchase negotiation

Negotiating the purchase price of a home isn't like many of the other negotiations you've experienced in your life. The time, money and emotions put into the home may repeatedly come to the surface just when you're making headway. Let's review a few tips that might just speed the process along from the start...

offrs reviews a few agent hacks to getting a longer battery life from your smartphone

offrs reviews a few agent hacks to getting a longer battery life from your smartphone

Have you hit a wall when it comes to how long your smartphone lasts in the field? Here are a few helpful tips to address the most common power-consuming features and habits.

offrs reviews family-friendly house-hunting tips

offrs reviews family-friendly house-hunting tips

Hey, who said that house-hunting had to be a stressful thing? Let's review a few tips on getting the most out of your afternoon...

offrs reviews best practices for first-time home sellers (a layman’s guide)

offrs reviews best practices for first-time home sellers (a layman’s guide)

There's a first-time for everything. You already have purchasing a home down, but now it's time to sell. But what is this going to involve? We put together this layman's guide to listing which will help you along the way. This will best be used as a central rallying point between your agent of choice and your home-selling team. Let's review...

offrs reviews 9 keys to a successful open house...

offrs reviews 9 keys to a successful open house...

Much of this will be a recap for those veterans out there with experience listing homes, but for those that are just entering into the housing market with your first open house, here are 9 tips that may help you go from listed to sold. Let's review...

offrs reviews HVAC maintenance: getting control over your comfort!

offrs reviews HVAC maintenance: getting control over your comfort!

When you think about your AC/heating repair and maintenance, do you default to the image of a repair tech standing in your living room? But there's a lot that you can take on yourself and ways to keep everything in optimal working order between check-ups. Let's explore...

Real Estate Marketing Ideas to Upgrade Open Houses

Real Estate Marketing Ideas to Upgrade Open Houses

Real estate marketing ideas that bolster your real estate business are solid gold, so we're putting pen to paper with 6 real estate marketing ideas to upgrade your open houses! Let's review...

offrs Homebuyer Review: You Are Not Just Buying the Home... You Are Buying the Neighborhood

offrs Homebuyer Review: You Are Not Just Buying the Home... You Are Buying the Neighborhood

"You're not just buying the home, you're buying the neighborhood"... sure, but how do you know what you're getting yourself into? Don't worry, we've got some resources for you to use in your search for the ultimate community. Let's review...

Looking to form the ultimate agent team?

Looking to form the ultimate agent team?

Check out these tips on forging the ultimate agent line-up...

Changing Your Game to Save the Deal - an offrs review

Changing Your Game to Save the Deal - an offrs review

How much of your business is stuck an impossible impasse? It's time to clean house, unclog those funnels and get things moving again with some helpful tips on saving the deal and salvaging the opportunity.

Staging vs Professional Staging - An offrs.com review

Staging vs Professional Staging - An offrs.com review

So what is the difference between staging and professional staging? In short, probably the difference between dentistry and professional dentistry, but perhaps we're exaggerating a bit. Let's review why a staging expert may be right for your listing...

Home Sellers: A Generational Guide to Home Buyers - a review by offrs.com

Home Sellers: A Generational Guide to Home Buyers - a review by offrs.com

Considering listing your home for sale? You're going to want to know who you'll likely be selling to. For proper target marketing and negotiation interaction, take a look at this guide. It will walk you through some of the many points of importance for these demographic generations.

Seller Tells: How To Identify Motivated Sellers - an offrs review

Seller Tells: How To Identify Motivated Sellers - an offrs review

Some people are better than others at spotting a negotiating opportunity, but with these tips, you might find your own hidden talent in the art of negotiating a fair deal. Let's review...

Expanding the Farm: tips on managing a new territory with your existing team - an offrs review

Expanding the Farm: tips on managing a new territory with your existing team - an offrs review

Whether you're building out a new farm or expanding on an existing one, here's quick a guide that may help your team choose the right markets to grow into and some tips on managing the expanding operation...

Organizing the Ultimate Community Garage Sale (with the help of your HOA)! - an offrs.com review

Organizing the Ultimate Community Garage Sale (with the help of your HOA)! - an offrs.com review

Getting buy-in for your next community yard or garage sale isn't impossible, but it may still be daunting. Here are some tips that might help ease the process and make it the enjoyable social event you know it can be!

Inspections: Who is responsible for this? offrs reviews this and more!

Inspections: Who is responsible for this? offrs reviews this and more!

Here's a quick starter guide to home inspections, what they are, who pays for them and some basic contractual considerations. A great document to share with your friends, family and clients!

Is your home (and family) truly market-ready? offrs.com reviews...

Is your home (and family) truly market-ready? offrs.com reviews...

Yeah, it's easy to say that your home is ready... but what about your family? Let's review some of the psychological hurdles ahead and see if now is the right time for you and your family to consider listing. It'll be a team effort, but the good news is... you've got support!

Signs that your neighborhood is trending up or down investment-wise - an offrs.com review

Signs that your neighborhood is trending up or down investment-wise - an offrs.com review

As a homeowner, you already know first-hand how to maintain and improve your home investment over time, but what are the indicators that can signal an upward or downward trend in the neighborhood itself? Here's a quick guide...

How to Pick the Perfect RE Teammate and Build a Successful Partnership - offrs reviews

How to Pick the Perfect RE Teammate and Build a Successful Partnership - offrs reviews

Agents have been creating teams since the beginning of time, but why? And for those agents that are expanding a team, how do you do so without disrupting any existing harmony? Check out Creating the Perfect Agent Team: How to Pick the Perfect RE Teammate and Build a Successful Partnership.

How to Turn Your Farm Into a Factory: Assembly Line, Baby! (an offrs review)

How to Turn Your Farm Into a Factory: Assembly Line, Baby! (an offrs review)

Looking for more efficient ways to close business this year? If you've run thin on input capability, a tune-up on your processes may help your output. Check it out...

Heed the Warning Signs: New Agent Hiring Tips - offrs broker feedback and reviews

Heed the Warning Signs: New Agent Hiring Tips - offrs broker feedback and reviews

Hiring tips for brokers looking for the perfect agents to add to the team.

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