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offrs Real Estate Predictive Analytics - Big Data It's In Your Hands

offrs Real Estate Predictive Analytics - Big Data It's In Your Hands

offrs Real estate predictive analytics doesn't just provide you with small business intelligence, it places you ahead of client issues. With offrs, you can provide your services when and where you're needed.


Real Estate Predictive Analytics (The offrs Edge)


As offrs real estate predictive analytics technology improves year-over-year, more-accurately pin-pointing when and where homeowner needs arise, the tools built real estate lead generation have become ideal tools for aligning your services with homeowners in your area (whether they are new or existing clients). There are significant implications with this that should be noted. Being that ours is a relationship-oriented service industry, it's interesting that the ability for Artificial Intelligence solutions (like the core engine of offrs' real estate lead generation services) can identify homeowner patterns to such a pinpoint degree that real estate leads can surface within an agent's own sphere of clientele. The advantage here is not so much who, but when.


The Emergence Of Who Vs. When

Let's assume that you know your farm better than anyone else in the region (you know every street, every stop sign, and tree). More importantly, let's assume that you know every homeowner personally. Now, of course, this degree of personal connection is largely reserved for those agents that have lived in and worked their territory to the bone (knocking on doors and really pushing their brand saturation in the neighborhood), but for now, let's say this is the case. Since the property is tied down to an address and since you know that it's only a matter of time before the home sells (whether it's the current owner or the property's heirs), it becomes less a matter of who, but when. And that small detail makes a huge difference. Why?


Timing & Real Estate Lead Conversion

As mentioned at the top of this article, while so much emphasis around real estate lead generation is placed on who, you often already know the who. After all, this is your farm, right? Sure, you may not know their phone numbers, their email addresses or social handles, but you know them (or at least of them). Maybe you've met them through a neighbor at a recent bar-b-que or have shared a few passing waves as you make your daily commute. In such instances, you already have an in... it's just a matter of when (as in when you want or need to pounce on that opportunity). We all think it and yet so much of the conversation around lead generation for real estate agents remains locked on a name and phone number. Yes, this is a subtle tweak of the tool, but it is important and can change how useful the tool is or even how the tool is used.


Innovating The Screwdriver

To see how minor innovations in how a tool is designed and how a tool is used, let's explore something a little more down-to-earth (an everyday object like the screwdriver). As many shopworkers or hobbyists will attest, the screwdriver doesn't just come in two flavors (either "phillips" or "flathead"). There are in fact countless variations that address subtle but impactful differences in torque, reach, size and so on. Each evolution of the screwdriver addressed a problem or opportunity and it's the latter that we want to focus in on. While the core principles of the screwdriver still remain, new innovations in ratcheted action or even electric screwdrivers made certain, repetitive tasks faster. Did you catch that? At first, innovations in technology will make core functions of the technology (the primary purpose for the tool) easier, but at some point in that evolutionary timeline, easier crosses a threshold and time itself becomes a factor (but so too does the tool's accessibility).


Innovation, Time & Accessibility

Okay, so let's draw this back down real estate leads and lead generation for real estate specifically... when offrs first introduced predictive analytics for real estate, predictive analytics was unnecessarily reserved for other, larger industries (FinTech and the banking side of things). This was mainly due to cost and ROI for those that invested in applying AI algorithms to any given marketplace. And yet, there couldn't be a better application for the technology than in the real estate market (for the purposes of lead generation for real estate agents). But more than just leveling the playing field, this shift in accessibility provisioned a powerful, game-changing tool for SMB agents like yourself... it completely disrupted a monopoly of business intelligence, and that's significant. Especially if you're the benefactor of that hand-off.


Big Data, Small Business

But what if you didn't know about this shift in Big Data accessibility (from national brands to Jane Doe in Anytown USA)? Well, you do now. offrs has been disrupting the real estate listing leads market through a process of constant and never-ending innovation). Over the past 5 years, we've learned a lot of things, but the most important thing is... no one knows your farm like you do. So how do you, the expert in your region get your hands on these Big Data tools? Well, that's the easy part. Just connect with one of our seller leads strategists and review your current methods for gaining listing leads. They'll be able to help determine which data package is right for you. After all, no business is exactly like yours.


Real Estate Predictive Analytics: Where To Now?

Real estate lead generation companies have all largely grown in one direction (the identification of real estate agent leads). But there's so much more that we can learn from all of the data we're looking at. Connections ebb and flow over time, new and interesting patterns immerge from otherwise mathematical chaos. As the leading real estate lead generator, we have an obligation to explore these potentially-rewarding avenues of innovation on your behalf. Of course, we have entire departments dedicated to our core function (generating real estate seller leads), but like the screwdriver itself, we've seen glimpses of potential lead generation capabilities well beyond the more passive real estate lead generation websites we first saw (and later improved upon) when we first entered this space. So what's in store? Don't worry, we'll show you. =) Head on over to offrsdata.com.





offrs collects and provides topical insights, statistics, reviews, humor and best practices gathered from real estate professionals and consumer homeowner industry peers. If you're a broker or agent interested in learning more about seller lead generation or home seller marketing services and solutions, visit www.offrs.com or continue to browse our growing collection of industry articles at www.offrs.net.

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