How to Nurture Real Estate Leads
Nurturing real estate leads is a great way to build relationships, trust, and your pipeline. If you need help nurturing your real estate leads, we can help!
Nurturing real estate leads is a skill that takes time and practice to master. It's also an art form, so there isn't a one-size-fits-all approach that works for every agent or company. However, if you have the right tools and technology in place — and employ proven tactics for building relationships with people who don't know you yet — then you'll be well on your way to nurturing more sales.
The market is always changing
The market is constantly changing, so you need to be flexible. You need to be able to adapt to new trends and anticipate technologies that can improve your business.
Tips for successful nurturing practices, tactics, channels, and tools.
Social Media
Phone Calls
Text Messages
Live Chat
Direct Mail Marketing
Online Advertising
Set yourself apart by building real relationships.
To set yourself apart from the competition and earn your new clients' trust, you need to build a relationship with them that goes beyond just signing on the dotted line. Be genuine, honest, a good listener and note taker—and even a good mentor or friend.
When it comes to nurturing real estate leads:
Be a good coach. Coaches help people get better at things they want to do by encouraging them and providing information on how to improve through challenges they face along the way. If someone needs help getting out of debt or has difficulty managing their money well, coaching can help overcome these obstacles so they can achieve their goals such as investing in real estate properties.
Be an effective leader who encourages others’ success by sharing knowledge and expertise with others who are eager to learn. Some examples of this could be helping a client with vendor selection for a remodel, advising your clients which renovations have the best ROI, or when it may be a good time to sell or refinance their home.
Show up when you're needed
You’re not just a salesperson—you’re a real estate advisor. That means you need to be available when your clients need you, not just when they want to buy or sell a home. To that end, it’s important for them to know:
You can be reached by phone or in person at any time (of course within reason).
You check emails regularly (and respond promptly).
Your social media pages are active, provide value, and are easily accessible from all platforms where they may find themselves looking for answers (which is pretty much anywhere).
Automate where you can.
Automation is not always the best solution. However, there is plenty of ways to automate your lead nurturing process that will save you time and energy, while also helping you save money! Automate where possible. For example, you can set up automated emails in a matter of minutes & there are also great options like SmartZip that can assist you with automating your business so you can spend more time doing what you do best, selling!
Don't be afraid to follow up.
In the case of real estate leads, it can be difficult for a lead to remember your name and the company's name after speaking with you once. If a person is interested in buying or selling a home, they may have spoken with multiple agents from various companies. Make sure that you are memorable by following up on any conversations and communications as soon as possible.
Be a good listener and a better note-taker.
Being a good listener is a crucial skill that can help you establish trust and connect with people. It's also one of the most important skills when it comes to nurturing real estate leads, which are critical to your business. But it's not enough to just be able to listen—you need to do it well. There are several ways that you could be sabotaging your ability to listen effectively:
You're talking while the person is talking: Unless they ask for advice or input on what they're saying, focus on reciting something similar back after they've said their piece (e.g., "So what I'm hearing is...").
You aren't present: If there's anything distracting around you ask if there's somewhere else you could go where we'd get more privacy and uninterrupted attention.
Don't overpromise or underdeliver.
You don't want your leads to feel like they were promised something and then misled. That way lies disappointment and possibly bad reviews. If you can't deliver on one or more of these items, don't promise them in the first place. You'll be happier with the results in the long run if you're straightforward from the start about what's in your toolkit and what isn't, rather than trying to trick your prospects into thinking that everything is possible for them.
Take advantage of social media, online advertising & direct mail marketing.
Use social media to build relationships with potential clients. By using social media to communicate with your leads, you can help them feel more comfortable working with you.
Use social media, online advertising & direct mail marketing to promote your business. These are great ways to get the word out about your brand and let people know what services you provide, but it's also an excellent way of staying connected with clients once they've made a purchase or been referred by someone else.
Use LinkedIn and other platforms to help build your brand online. This will help prospective buyers see how professional and knowledgeable you are so that they feel more confident working with you on their home buying journey!
Learn about each client before meeting them in person through Facebook posts/LinkedIn updates (or even just Google searches). You might notice something about their interests or hobbies that could inform the sales process later down the road—like if they're an animal lover or avid runner who would appreciate certain features in their next home!
With the right tools and process, you can nurture real estate leads with more efficiency. You’ll be able to take better advantage of every interaction with them, no matter how long it takes for them to become a client. The best way to nurture real estate leads is by showing up when they need help finding information or figuring out what their next steps should be as they work towards buying or selling their home.